Analysing Davinci Resolve 18 vs. Canva: Crafting 30-Second Digital Marketing Adverts

Analysing Davinci Resolve 18 vs. Canva: Crafting 30-Second Digital Marketing Adverts

Profile image of Paul Powers, a man is facing forward and smiling. By Paul Powers on December 20, 2023
Here is the generated image suitable for your blog post "Analysing Davinci Resolve 18 vs. Canva: Crafting 30-Second Digital Marketing Adverts". It visually contrasts the complex interface of Davinci Resolve 18 with the simpler, more user-friendly interface of Canva, capturing the essence of your blog's theme.

In the dynamic field of digital marketing, the tools used can significantly impact the effectiveness and creativity of campaigns. In this blog post, we explore two popular video editing software options: Davinci Resolve 18 and Canva, particularly focusing on their suitability for creating impactful 30-second adverts for digital marketing campaigns.

In this blog entry I investigate the capabilities of both Davinci Resolve 18.6 and Canva Pro for editing videos. Below you will first see a video that I put together in Davinci and the one below that I made in Canva. I also created them in that order. You will also see screenshots of the interfaces of both Davinci and Canva below.

Video created in Davinci:

The interface:

DaVinci Resolve 18.6: An Interface Overview for Digital Marketers

DaVinci Resolve 18.6 boasts an interface that exudes professionalism and offers an array of tools for video editors. The interface can be overwhelming at first glance due to its complexity, but it’s this very intricacy that provides granular control over the editing process—crucial for crafting perfect 30-second adverts. Here’s a breakdown of the key elements visible in the interface:

  1. Media Pool: Located at the top left corner, the Media Pool is where all the media files for your project are organized. It’s essentially your project's library, where you can access all your clips, audio files, and graphics.
  2. Preview and Viewer Windows: The two large windows in the centre are the Preview Window (on the left) and the Viewer Window (on the right). The Preview Window lets you skim through and select your clips, while the Viewer Window displays the selected clip or what you have on your timeline.
  3. Timeline: Dominating the lower half of the screen, the timeline is where the magic happens. This is where you arrange your media, make cuts, add transitions, and synchronize audio. In the image, we see a multi-layered timeline indicating video and audio tracks stacked vertically.
  4. Inspector Panel: On the far right, the Inspector Panel is the control center for adjusting the properties of the selected clip. This is where you can tweak the position, scale, rotation, and even add dynamic effects.
  5. Toolbar: Just above the timeline, the toolbar hosts various editing tools such as selection, cut, and trim tools. These are essential for making precise adjustments to your clips.
  6. Audio Meters: To the far right, we see the audio meters, providing a visual representation of the audio levels in your project, ensuring you have optimal audio quality and levels.
  7. Metadata and Mixer: At the top right, we find tabs for Metadata, where you can view and edit information about your clips, and Mixer, which is used for advanced audio adjustments.

Each of these elements is a testament to DaVinci Resolve’s capacity for comprehensive video editing, enabling marketers to create adverts that are not only visually stunning but also precisely tailored to their audience. For digital marketers, the importance of having the right tool for the job cannot be overstated. While DaVinci Resolve 18.6 requires a steeper learning curve, its robust feature set allows for the creation of truly professional 30-second adverts that stand out in the crowded digital landscape.

Davinci Resolve 18:

Known for its professional-grade features, Davinci Resolve 18 offers a comprehensive suite for editing, colour correction, visual effects, and audio post-production. Its advanced capabilities are ideal for creating high-quality, visually engaging adverts. However, its complexity may pose a learning curve for beginners.

Video created in Canva:

The interface:

Canva: Simplifying Video Editing for Digital Marketing

Canva is a graphic design platform known for its simplicity and user-friendliness, making it a popular choice among digital marketers, especially for those with little to no prior video editing experience. The interface is designed to be intuitive, allowing users to create visually appealing content quickly and efficiently. Here’s a guided tour of the Canva interface as seen in the provided image:

  1. Sidebar Menu: On the left-hand side, the sidebar menu is your navigation hub. It provides access to all the design elements, text options, and media uploads you might need. It’s a straightforward way to add various components to your project.
  2. Search and Uploads: At the top of the sidebar, the search bar allows users to find specific design elements within Canva’s vast library. Below it, the 'Uploads' section is where users can add their own images, videos, and audio clips to personalize their adverts.
  3. Workspace: The large area in the centre is the workspace, where the current design or video is displayed. This is where you can preview your project and make edits in real time.
  4. Timeline: Along the bottom, the timeline is where the video composition takes place. Unlike more complex software, Canva's timeline is simplified, showing the sequence of clips and their duration, which can be adjusted with a simple drag-and-drop motion.
  5. Design Tools: Across the top, we see Canva’s design tools, such as font choices, colour palettes, and more. These allow for quick changes to text and other elements without delving into complex menus.
  6. Play and Preview: The play button located at the bottom of the workspace lets you preview your current video from any point in the timeline, a crucial feature for ensuring the timing and flow of your advert is just right.
  7. Share and Download: The options in the upper right corner are for sharing your design with others or downloading it in various formats, making collaboration and distribution straightforward.
Canva’s interface, as displayed in the image, is a testament to its ethos of making design accessible to everyone. For marketers, this means being able to produce a professional-looking 30-second advert without the steep learning curve associated with more advanced video editing software. In summary, Canva is the ideal solution for marketers who need to produce quality adverts promptly. Its ease of use, combined with a comprehensive set of features, provides a perfect balance for those looking to create effective digital marketing content with minimal fuss.


On the other end of the spectrum, Canva is user-friendly and accessible, perfect for beginners or those with limited video editing experience. It offers a range of templates and easy-to-use tools for quick, effective advert creation. While it lacks the advanced features of Davinci Resolve, it's an excellent choice for simpler, design-focused adverts.

Comparing DaVinci Resolve 18.6 and Canva for Video Editing: A Digital Marketer’s Guide

When it comes to choosing a video editing platform, digital marketers are often torn between the high functionality of professional software and the convenience of user-friendly design tools. DaVinci Resolve 18.6 and Canva serve different niches within video editing. Let's delve into a comparative analysis, focusing on factors such as cost, value, complexity, device availability, portability, output quality, and adaptability.

DaVinci Resolve 18.6

  • Cost: DaVinci Resolve offers a robust free version with professional-grade features. The paid Studio version provides additional functionality and support.
  • Value: High value for professionals who require advanced editing capabilities.
  • Complexity: Steep learning curve due to its professional focus, but offers unparalleled control over editing, color correction, and audio post-production.
  • Device Availability: Primarily desktop-based, available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Portability: Projects are not easily transferable between different devices without the DaVinci Resolve software installed.
  • Output Quality: Exceptional output quality with support for up to 8K resolution, suitable for high-end production work.
  • Adaptability: Highly adaptable to various professional workflows but may be overkill for simple projects.


  • Cost: Offers a free version with basic features; premium subscriptions add more functionality.
  • Value: Great value for those who need quick and aesthetically pleasing designs without deep technical skills.
  • Complexity: User-friendly with a shallow learning curve, ideal for beginners and those who need to produce content quickly.
  • Device Availability: Cloud-based with cross-platform support, accessible on desktops and mobile devices.
  • Portability: High portability due to cloud-based storage; projects can be accessed and edited from any device with internet access.
  • Output Quality: Good quality for web and social media content, though not on par with professional editing tools in terms of customization and fine-tuning.
  • Adaptability: Adapts well to quick design needs and social media content creation but may lack the depth required for complex video editing tasks.

Additional Considerations for First-Time Users

  • Ease of Collaboration: Canva shines with its collaborative features, allowing multiple users to work on a project simultaneously, which is beneficial for marketing teams. DaVinci Resolve is more solitary, focusing on individual workflows.
  • Learning Resources: DaVinci Resolve has extensive tutorials and a community for learning. Canva’s simplicity means users can often jump right in with little to no instruction.
  • Templates and Assets: Canva provides a vast library of templates and design elements that are continually updated, saving time on design. DaVinci Resolve lacks this feature, requiring more from-scratch creation.
  • Customer Support: Canva has a reputation for user-friendly support. DaVinci Resolve's support is more technical, aligning with its professional user base.

DaVinci Resolve 18.6 is a powerhouse suitable for intricate, high-quality video projects, offering a professional finish that can cater to broadcast-quality adverts. In contrast, Canva is the go-to for marketers looking for speed, ease of use, and decent quality output that aligns well with social media and web marketing campaigns. The choice between the two ultimately depends on the specific needs of the campaign, the skill level of the user, and the desired end product. For those starting, Canva might be the appropriate stepping stone, while DaVinci Resolve is an investment in learning and quality that could pay off for more complex project requirements.

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